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UPSC CSAT 2023 Number System Question: Each digit of a 9-digit number is 1. It multiplied by itself.

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CSAT 2023 / Number System / UPSC CSAT

UPSC CSAT 2023 Number System Question: Each digit of a 9-digit number is 1. It multiplied by itself.

Each digit of a 9-digit number is 1. It multiplied by itself. What is the sum of the digits of the resulting number?

UPSC CSAT 2023 Question Discussion and Video Solution: The Case of the Repeating Digits

The UPSC CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) is known for its challenging questions that test a candidate’s problem-solving abilities. In the 2023 CSAT paper, there was one particular math question that intrigued many aspirants. It involved a 9-digit number comprised entirely of the digit 1 and required candidates to find the sum of the digits of the resulting number when each digit is multiplied by itself. In this blog post, we will discuss the question and provide a detailed video solution to help you tackle similar problems in your UPSC CSAT preparation.

The Question:

Each digit of a 9-digit number is 1. It multiplied by itself. What is the sum of the digits of the resulting number ?

The Video Solution:

For a detailed explanation and a visual walkthrough of this question, watch our video solution below. Our expert tutor will break down the problem, step by step, and explain the reasoning behind each action. This video will not only help you understand this specific question but also equip you with problem-solving techniques for similar questions in the UPSC CSAT exam.

Check Video Solution

Conclusion: The UPSC CSAT 2023 question about a 9-digit number made up of repeating 1s may seem tricky at first, but with a clear understanding of the concept, it becomes a straightforward problem to solve. Remember that in UPSC preparation, practicing various types of questions is crucial. We hope this blog post and the accompanying video solution have been helpful in your preparation. Good luck with your UPSC CSAT 2023 journey!

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask!

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