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Daily Dose of DI LR for CAT Exam – 5

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Daily Dose of DI LR for CAT Exam – 5

Master Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning with Daily Practice

Welcome to Daily Dose of DI LR for CAT Exam! Preparing for the CAT exam can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DI LR) section. This blog is dedicated to helping you master these critical components with daily practice questions, tips, and strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned test-taker or just starting your preparation, you’ll find valuable insights and exercises here to boost your confidence and improve your scores.

Building Floors Quiz
Time left: 20:00

There are 6 buildings, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, and B6, in a straight line in the same order. All these buildings have different floors, and all floors have different floor numbers (ground floor is also considered a floor). The difference between the number of floors in any two consecutive buildings is more than 1.

Floor numbers start from building B1, then to B2, and so on, in such a manner that the ground floor of Bi+1 is one more than the top floor of Bi, where 0 ≤ i ≤ 5. For any building, floor numbers are consecutive numbers starting from the ground floor to the top floor. It means, floor numbers start from the ground floor and could be any natural number. Assume the floor number of the ground floor of B1 is “N”; then, the floor just above would be “N+1”, and so on. Thus, the floor number of the top floor of the same building is “N+k-1” where “𝑘 (≥ 0)” is the total number of floors in that building. For B2, “N+k” is assigned to the ground floor, and so on. Hence, the top floor of B6 is the highest floor number, which is “N+M-1” where “M” is the total number of floors in these 6 buildings.

For example, B1 has 4 floors including the ground floor, and the floor numbers are as follows: 30 to the ground floor, 31 to the first floor, 32 to the second floor, and 33 to the third floor, and so on. Then, the ground floor of B2 would be 34, and so on.

Few more facts are also known:

  • 1. The sum of the floor numbers of all the top floors is 218.
  • 2. The sum of the floor numbers of all the ground floors is 203.
  • 3. The sum of all the floors of building B3 is 195 and B5 is 205.
  • 4. The floor number of the top floor of B1 is 28.
  • 5. B3 has the maximum number of floors.

Table of Contents


Q1: There are how many floors in building B5?

Q2: What is the floor number of the top floor of B2?

Q3: If Amiya is staying on a floor of a building which is a prime number then how many different possibilities are there for Amiya’s floor?

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