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The Selection Criteria for MBA & MBA (Telecom) Admission at DMS, IIT Delhi (2024-26) & Safe Score Based on RTI

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The Selection Criteria for MBA & MBA (Telecom) Admission at DMS, IIT Delhi (2024-26) & Safe Score Based on RTI

  • These are technical institutions that receive funding and support from the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
  • The funding is provided to enhance infrastructure, research facilities, and overall academic quality in the field of technical education.
  1. Institute of Eminence:
  • Institutes of Eminence (IoEs) are institutions that have been identified by the Indian government for special support and autonomy to achieve world-class status.
  • These institutions are expected to compete globally and be ranked among the top institutions in the world.
  • IoEs have the freedom to determine their academic and research programs, collaborations, faculty recruitment, and fee structures.
  1. Institute of National Importance:
  • Institutes of National Importance (INIs) are institutions that have been accorded this status by an Act of Parliament.
  • The designation of “Institute of National Importance” is reserved for institutions that are deemed crucial for the development of India and hold significance at the national level.
  • INIs often focus on specialized areas such as technology, science, management, and other fields of national importance.

Significance in MBA Admissions:
In the context of the MBA admission criteria provided by DMS, IIT Delhi, candidates who have graduated from MoE funded Technical Institutions, Institutes of Eminence, or Institutes of National Importance may receive additional scores in the admission process. This acknowledgment reflects the perceived high academic standards and contributions to research and development by graduates of these institutions.

It’s essential for candidates to be aware of their institution’s status and understand how it may impact their admission chances. If you have graduated from such an institution, make sure to highlight this in your application to DMS, IIT Delhi, as it can contribute to your overall shortlisting and admission scores.

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